Privacy Policy

Brand Privacy Policy
Effective Date: 30 April, 2024
At Home Help Advisor, we take privacy seriously and we respect the privacy concerns of our community of users. This Privacy Policy describes how publications that link to this Privacy Policy and other digital properties (collectively, the “Company,” “we,” “us” or “our”) collect information from our website. (the “Site”), use, disclose, and otherwise process personal information in connection with related content, services, products, and other features and functionality of the Site and Apps (collectively, the “Services”).

Manage your information
Email Preferences

Opt-out from marketing e-mails globally.
Update email preferences

Delete your data

Permanently delete your data.
Update data preferences

Control your data

For additional ways to delete, opt out, or manage your information, please see “What control do I have over my information?” Section of this Privacy Policy.

What personal information do we collect?
Information you provide to us
The personal information we collect from and about you may vary depending on how you engage with our Services and the information you voluntarily provide. We may collect personal information directly from you or otherwise in connection with your use of the Services, such as:

● Contact information including your name, contact details (such as postal address and email address), event or conference registration and related information and contact preferences.

● Inquiry information including information provided through forms or surveys to our email address or messages sent over the phone It may also include information provided when you sign up for our newsletters.

● Account information, including name, username, account ID, date of birth, contact information, profile information, saved, “favorite” or bookmarked items (eg, articles or recipes), payment and purchase history information, membership information, courses enrolled And full, and stock simulator results.

● Financial information including credit and debit card information, bank account and routing numbers, and billing and shipping addresses.

● Health- or fitness-related information, exercise and activity levels, weight-loss goals, dietary preferences, and other health and wellness information.

● User-Generated Content, including personal information that you choose to provide about yourself when you participate in discussions in forums or on the Services, post comments or reviews, and participate in any Services. Please be aware that information you post may be viewed, used or captured by anyone visiting the Services; Therefore, you should avoid posting sensitive personal information that you do not want to be available to the public.

● Contest, sweepstakes, and survey information, information provided when you enter a contest or sweepstakes, information included in any responses submitted via surveys or questionnaires, or the content of any testimonials.

● Your interests, preferences, and other behavioral data, inferences about hobbies, interests, and characteristics, such as your favorite foods, purchases, or recipes, eating habits, and health and fitness information.

Information is collected automatically
As is true with many digital properties, we and our third-party partners may automatically collect information you provide and information about your device and use of the Services when you visit or interact with our Services. We, and our third-party partners, collect and store the information described in this section in connection with our Services.

Types of information collected automatically include:

⠀⠀⠀● Device data when consuming services, including Internet Protocol (IP) address, operating system, device type and version, browser type and version, browser ID, URL entered, referring page, date/time, and other user agent string data Errors may occur and device data visiting our Services may overlap with data from other categories listed below.

● Analytics/usage data, to collect information about our Services, including mouse movements, scrolling, clicks, and keystroke activity on the Services and other browsing, search, or purchase behavior. These tools may record information you enter when you interact with our Services or engage in chat or other features through our Services.

⠀⠀⠀● Location data that we or our third-party providers may collect, including geographic location, such as through permissions within app operating systems or browser functionality.

⠀⠀⠀● Advertising/advertising measurement data, including data related to your views or data related to your clicks associated with ads served on our Services, cookie IDs or other digital or proprietary identifiers (eg, iOS IDFA, Google AAID) assigned to such devices, and device metadata, analytics/usage data, and location data as described above, in each case, to serve ads (personalized or otherwise) or to better optimize ad measurement/attribution or otherwise facilitate understanding of advertising campaign effectiveness. For more information about our and third-party partners’ data collection and online advertising practices, please see “What are our third-party data collection and online advertising practices?” Section of this Privacy Policy.

Note that we and our third-party partners may combine information that each of us automatically collects with other information about you, including information that you provide.

“What control do I have over my information?” See the section below to learn more about how you can restrict or disable cookies or certain other tracking technologies on your device. For more information about how we and our third-party partners use this technology and data for advertising purposes, please see “What are our third-party data collection and online advertising practices?” Down below.

Third-party sources
We also receive personal information from third parties, which we often combine with personal information that we collect automatically or directly from an individual. For example, we may receive the same categories of personal information described above from the following third parties:

⠀⠀⠀● Other Users Who Interact With Our Services: We may receive your information from other users who interact with our Services.

⠀⠀⠀● Business Partners: We may receive your information from our business partners, such as companies that offer their products or services on our Services or in other features (eg, digital features, offline locations) or from marketing/advertising and analytics partners, Third-party brands/agencies or other partners that facilitate the purchase and sale of advertising inventory on our Services, measure the performance of related advertising campaigns, or inform business analytics (eg, view rates, bounce rates, audience composition).

⠀⠀⠀● Social Media Networks: When an individual interacts with our Services through various social media networks, such as when someone logs in through a social network, “likes” us on Facebook, or follows us or Google, Facebook By sharing our content on, Instagram, Twitter, or other social networks, we may receive certain information from those social networks, including your profile information and any other information you allow the social network to share with third parties. We use this information to help you log into your account, connect or interact with individuals on social networks, better understand our audience demographics, and personalize content and advertising. Individuals should always review and, if necessary, adjust their privacy settings on third-party websites and social media networks and services before sharing information or linking or connecting to other services.

⠀⠀⠀● Information we receive from authentication services: Some parts of our Services may allow you to login through third-party social networks or authentication services such as Facebook or Google. These services will authenticate the individual’s identity and provide the option to share certain personal information with us, which may include a name, email address, address book, and contact or other information. The data we receive depends on that third party’s policies and the individual’s privacy settings on that third party’s digital property. We hold this information on the individual’s account.
